San Pedro Ceremony

San Pedro / Wachuma : Sacred Cactus from the Andes

San Pedro (Trichocereus pachanoi), the sacred cactus and visionary teacher plant of the South Americas, is especially associated with the shamans and healers (curanderos) of the Peruvian Andes. It has other names among these healers as well; including "El Remedio": The Remedy, which refers to its healing and visionary powers which, they say, can help us to let go of "the illusions of the world".

Cactus ceremonies are held to cure illnesses of a spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical nature; to know the future through the prophetic and divinatory qualities of the plant; to overcome sorcery or saladera (an inexplicable run of ‘bad luck'); to ensure success in one's ventures; to rekindle love and enthusiasm for life; and to experience the world as divine.
Even its post-Hispanic name, San Pedro, embodies these qualities because Saint Peter is the holder of the keys to Heaven and the name of the cactus therefore speaks of its ability to ‘open the gates' into another world where those who drink it can heal, discover their divinity, and find their purpose on Earth.

In a nutshell partecipation allows better connection with onself, with Mother Earth and also strenghtening of ones physical body and one's spirit.

I have my own way of working with San Pedro:
The ceremony I offer is done after dark with a Sacred Fire.
Sad Pedro Medicine offered is prepared as follows: cactus cut and dried on the Sun, mixed with honey, chocoloate nuts and rasins.
It is subtle, soft and sweet ceremony suitable for everyone. It brings the state of well being and allows connection with the Spirit (for those who are ready for it).

Good read:

Please book at least 2 to 3 days in advance.

Important note: Integration period post ceremony
After a ceremony with teacher plants (Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Peyote etc) or a retreat where the teacher plants are used it is essential for your own good to integrate the experiance. What does it mean? It means you should take your time and have at least the full day or 2 days in a quiet place where you can sleep, have walks in nature, eat light and healthy food, drink loads of water, liquids and fruit juices.
After the ceremony you body is fragile and your energy field is still open and it can be very damaging for you if you are set to travel by bus or plane for many hours. There no point of rushing things thru willing to see more places or wanting to experience more ceremonies. Take your time, and give you body and your energetical system time to adapt to a new configuration.

Unless you are in a retreat with a specific programme with a start and finish it is recommended you to have at least 2 weeks break before you have another ceremony.