Shamanism from the Amazon

The Ayahuasca ceremonies / sessions are sacred ritual spaces, where 'el curandero' or the shaman from the amazon invites to the drink the medicine during the session. 
The ideal way to experience ayahuasca es thru the traditional way it was discovered and shared, with deep respect and consciousness that one is entering a deep process of personal healing in which ayahuasca will put you right in front of yourself, so that you can see yourself, so that you know yourself better on the inside: This will allow you to purify your past, to forgive, to leave behind the attachments and addictions and all that is blocking you to be your real self.

Next Ayahuasca Ceremonies in Arequipa:
Date: please check for dates
Place: Centro EcoSalud, Calle Ampatacocha, 305, Yanahuara, Arequipa.
Partecipation costs:U$D 120 per person. 2 people minimum. Groups over 5 discounts.
Private ceremononies also avaliable, please ask for details.

More info:

Jungle Tabacco tea cleaning ritual
  - Cleansing and strenghtening with the plant of tobacco

Cleansing session of the tradition from northen amazon with a tradition reaching over 3,000 years. The session consists of cleansing by provoked vomit with a tea made ofthe tobacco plant, known as Tabaco Mapacho. Ancestraly used togive strenght and mental clarity.

This session is ideal for:
* cleansing the body from toxins in general
* reducing anxiety and bringing calmness
* reducing / eliminating auto-destructive habbits (mainly addiction to tabacco)
* fears and psico-emotional blockages removal
* lung capacity improvemet
* blood presure, blood oxigen levels and heart beat issues improvement
Mayor informacion >>

Next Tobacco Ceremonies in Arequipa:
Date: please check for dates 
Place: Purification Sanctuary, Pampa de Camarones, Arequipa
Partecipation costs:U$D 100 per person. 2 people minimum. Groups over 5 discounts.
Private ceremononies also avaliable, please ask for details.